Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kozhakattai story

A mother who had five kids had made kozhakattais, 1 for each, and placed them in a cheenchetti (wok kind of a vessel). The first child walks in and eats 1 as do the second and the third. The fourth child in gluttony eats up the last 2 and in fear of being caught out puts in a small mouse instead - into the cheenchetti and covers it.

Now the fifth child comes in with all eagerness opens the cheenchetti sees the mouse who jumps out and runs away.

The child then goes to her mom and asks -
“Amma amma kozhakattai-kki kannum unndoe?  (amma does a kozhakattai have eyes?)"
Her mother replies "What nonsense!"

Again the girl insists "Amma amma kozhakattai-kki kaddum unndoe?” (amma does a  kozhakattai have ears?)
The mother says "Don't be silly!"

Once more the girl says "Amma amma kozhakattai-kki kaaluh unndoe?" (amma does a  kozhakattai have legs?)
The mother is now clearly exasperated and admonishes her about asking silly questions!

But the girl tries one last time and asks "Amma amma kozhakattai-kki vaaluh unndoe?" (amma does a  kozhakattai have a tail?)
At this point the mother gives up and shoos away the child, but later understands that her naughty siblings might have caused the whole scene!

Vaal Pochuh! Dum Dum!

Once upon a time there was a monkey, which had a thorn its tail.  It was jumping form branch to branch in pain. He saw a knife sharpener who was busy sharpening knives on his sharpening wheel. The monkey asked the sharpener to help remove the thorn. The sharpener tried to remove the thorn but the between the sharp knife and the restlessness of the monkey the tail got cut!

The monkey raised an alarm and demanded compensation - "Give my back my tail! You have made me lose my tail!"

The sharpener says "There is nothing I can do about your tail but you can take this knife."

The monkey agrees to this and goes on his way. The monkey hops from tree to tree saying "Vaal pocchuh Kathi vanduhduh!" "Vaal pocchuh Kathi vanduhduh!"

The monkey on his way comes across a girl with a large mango struggling to open it. The monkey offers the knife to the girl so she could get at the mango. In the process of cutting the fruit the girl breaks the knife. The monkey now starts shouting "You broke my knife! You need to give me back my knife!"

The girl says "There is nothing I can do about your knife but you can have this mango instead."

The monkey agrees to this and goes on his way. The monkey now hops from tree to tree saying "Vaal pocchuh Kathi vanduhduh, Kathi pocchuh Param vanduhduh!" "Vaal pocchuh Kathi vanduhduh, Kathi pocchuh Param vanduhduh!"

The monkey then stops on a tree and below his branch is an oil crusher busy making oil. The monkey suggests "You look very hungry - why don't you have my mango?" The oil crusher gladly takes the mango and eats it. The monkey begins to shout again "You have eaten my mango! Give me back my mango!"

The oil crusher says "There is nothing I can do about your mango but I please accept some oil."

The monkey agrees and takes his compensation oil can and goes on his way. He now sings the song "Vaal pocchuh Kathi vanduhduh, Kathi pocchuh Param vanduhduh, Param pocchuh Enyeh vanduhduh!" "Vaal pocchuh Kathi vanduhduh, Kathi pocchuh Param vanduhduh, Param pocchuh Enyeh vanduhduh!"

Along the way the monkey meets an old lady who is selling dosas. She is poor as has no oil to make her dosas. The monkey suggests "Your dosas look dry why don't use this oil I have..." The old lady was happy by htis suggestion and uses the oil to make her dosas. When she is almost done the monkey demands the oil back.

He says "You have used all my oil! You need to give my back my oil!"

The old lady says "There is nothing I can do about your oil. But please accept some dosas in turn!"

The monkey took the dosas and went ahead, all hte while saying "Vaal pocchuh Kathi vanduhduh, Kathi pocchuh Param vanduhduh, Param pocchuh Enyeh vanduhduh, Enyeh pocchu Dosai vanduhduh!"

While doing so he comes upon a drummer underneath his tree. The drummer looked hungry and unable to play hte drum properly. the monkey offered the dosas to the drummer which the drummer gladly accepted and ate.

Close to the drummer finishing all the dosas, the monkey began once more "You have eaten my dosas! Give my back my dosas!"

The drummer says " there is nothing I can do about your dosas. I have already eaten them. But you can have my drum if you want..."

The monkey accepts this compensation and climbs onto the roof of an old temple and begins drumming and singing

"Vaal Pocchuh, Kathi Vanduhduh!
Dum dum!
Kathi Pocchuh, Param Vanduhduh!
Dum dum!
Param Pocchuh, Enyeh Vanduhduh!
Dum dum!
Enyeh Pocchuh, Dosai Vandudhuh!
Dum dum!
Dosai Pochhuh, Dum dum Vanduhduh!
Dum dum dum dum dum..."